Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Good Reason To Get Your Sleep

If there is one thing we are good at doing, it's working. The unfortunate downside of our productivity in the workplace, however results in lack of sleep for most of us.

All work and no play may make Jack a dull boy. But, all work, some play, and no sleep make Jack an extremely unhealthy boy. Getting less than seven to eight hours of sleep each night can cause an increase in ghrelin levels, the hormone responsible for making you crave salty, sugary, and fatty foods. Ah that’s why we eat garbage because we are tired?

If you're having trouble squeezing in enough sleep at night, you can still benefit a great deal from a 30-minute power nap during the day. The trick is to not nap past the 30-minute mark, it is at that point when your body begins entering in the deeper stages of sleep. And, waking up during this portion of the sleep cycle could potentially leave you feeling tired again. So, stick to 30 minutes and under and you should feel plenty refreshed and recharged, in addition to being able to stave off cravings for comfort foods.

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