Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Saving Your Own Life!

Recently I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about how he did not have time to work out and how he always feels tired. I explained to him the difference it made once I committed to a program and how it made me feel. In describing himself, he was describing to me the exact way I felt before I started my first round of P90X over two years ago.  

The comment he made that stuck with me was when he said “he did not have the time.” This poor guy had purchased P90X from me almost a year ago; he also purchased Shakeology with it in a package deal. He started drinking the shakes right away and noticed the difference in his energy level. I would see him around town and ask him how he was feeling and he would say great and he even lost 18-20 pounds over that time. But eventually he stopped drinking the shakes and he never opened the box of P90X. When I saw him I noticed he had put back on the weight he had lost and maybe some additional also, I asked if he opened up the box yet? That’s when he hit with it “I don’t have the time”

I have to wonder why when someone has had experience with something that works and is looking at someone that has had success with the product and still will not take the time to do something for himself that would be life changing. There are way too many people out there in this same situation these days!

I said to him I understand but, if you give it two weeks, just two weeks of getting up a hour earlier and doing the workouts you will find that you will have more time on your hands the rest of the day besides feeling better for your effort.  He looked at me and said I know but with the same look he said you are crazy. He then told me about his health issues and that he needed to do something? I had handed him the keys and he would not start the engine, what to do!

Everyone needs to find their own  “WHY” it is the thing that will make you commit. Maybe its hitting rock bottom for some people and maybe it’s just one moment where they decide they have had enough. I need to help this guy find his “Why”

There are not enough words to explain to you how much I am hurting for this guy right now. I can only say that he is where I was.  I may have saved my own life but now I want to help others do the same. I am serious when I say you will have more time in your day by getting up earlier and starting your day with a work out. I now have more energy and I am more active than I have been in years. I actually enjoy my life again and I enjoy spending time with the people I love. If you are a person that can make a change for the better I wish you the best in reaching your goals. If you need help in doing it I would be proud to help you and thankful that you invited me on the trip.

I have not given up on my friend and I will get him healthy, he has two young kids like I do and I owe them the effort to give them the daddy they deserve.  

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