Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Obsession!

First day of summer for the kids from school today, this is the time of year when believe it or not I have a difficult time working out. I lack the motivation to get up and get things done before I have the fatherly duties of driving my daughter to school. Without that looming over my head I procrastinate and end up missing my window to get done the things I should. The kids are home so I lack the push to head out into the garage and execute.

Last year at this time I had six days until I would be unemployed for the next five months and I started out this time with the confidence that I would find work in no time so I was looking forward to a few weeks off with the family. Two months later I was most likely clinically depressed and did not realize it. What kept me from sinking as low as you can go? Being a Beachbody Coach and whichever workout I would do that day. I also discovered the Primal Blue Print and changed most of my eating habits. This summer I will dive deeper into my Primal experiments and commit more effort to see how I can continue to improve my health. These things kept a bad situation from being a horrible experience.
It’s easy to think that working out lasts only as long as a workout. Wrong! Your goals and your method for getting there need to be with you day and night. A rolling list of to do’s: drink your water, watch your posture and be become more aware of your body, eat more food, resist the bad food, stretch that muscle group, research that question, find support for that issue, help others to succeed in their goals, drink your water, it is a continuous process day in and day out.

Some people call the workouts I have been doing an obsession, and my behavior obsessive. If it is, it must rank as a healthy one and it certainly doesn’t hurt anyone. I manage to hold down a challenging career, be a present parent in both of my children’s life, a supportive husband, coach a little baseball, and maintain a pretty active outgoing life with friends and family, all intertwined quite happily with this ‘obsession’.

Because of my obsession I have become a better parent, better husband and a better person. I know this just by the way I wake up each morning and get out of bed with that much more energy than I did before all of this started. I look myself in the mirror each morning and like the changes I am making and the progress I see. Everyone should be this obsessive about their life, you only get one. 

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