Monday, August 6, 2012

How Do You Sleep At Night?

This week, try adding an hour to your average sleep time by going to bed an hour earlier than you normally would. Sleep is especially important if you are exercising regularly. The body enters an anabolic state in deep sleep, meaning the endocrine system of the body secretes more hormones that trigger cellular growth and repair. This will aid in the process of healing tissues that may be damaged from strenuous exercise, growth of new muscle tissue, and it also will boost the immune system.

As a goal of sleeping an extra hour, make sure it is all at one time, not broken up throughout the day. Don’t just take an hour nap and call it good. The body goes into different stages of sleep, called REM cycles, and it takes about ninety minutes, or an hour and a half, to go through one full cycle. This is why it is important to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep. The body needs to go through all the stages of sleep, from the deepest level of sleep to actual REM sleep, which is when dreams occur.

The average person will go through about 5 complete cycles in a good nights sleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to some substantial negative consequences.

Sleep deprivation occurs when the body does not get adequate sleep over a prolonged period. It leads to physical and cognitive fatigue. Lack of sleep can be extremely detrimental to your overall health. Studies show that on a national average, Americans do not get enough sleep. So, try going to sleep an hour earlier every night this week, and see how it affects your general mood over the course of the week. You will feel much more alert and active throughout the course of your day.

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