Friday, November 2, 2012

What does not kill you makes you stronger!

As the east coast tries to recover from its uninvited visit from Sandy and the rest of the country gets closer to Election Day. I received some good news today. I was offered a position at a local Club to become its General Manager. The last five months have been a struggle for my family and I and the last time I had such an experience was 2004 when we had experienced four hurricanes hitting the state of Florida in a one month period.  What does not kill you will make you stronger!

These words may sound careless in a time like this but for me at that time I had to try to stay positive as I had a wonderful supportive wife, a four year old daughter and a one year old son. We found ourselves homeless and me without the job that supported us but we were healthy, safe and together.

The field I chose for my profession is kind of specialized and there are not many openings in each area so you do not jump from job to job easily. Losing a job is a humbling experience, losing everything that you own can be demoralizing. I was lucky enough to have my wife as a partner and that we both came from a supportive family.

This time was a little different, it was still humbling but this time my wife was making an income and I had a second income by way of the Beachbody business I had started a few years ago. We still made our cutbacks and scaled everything way back but the biggest thing I had for myself personally was that I knew I was doing something that made a difference in so many ways. I was improving my health each day with my workouts, I was teaching my kids to become more aware of their health and fitness and I was helping others do the same. This kept me in such a positive frame of mind that I could feel the difference in myself when I felt depressed or defeated form an unsuccessful experience in my pursuit for employment. There were days where I did not want to get out of bed but I knew I had to do my workout or return an email in hopes of motivating someone that needed the help to keep pushing themselves. By taking an obligation seriously I was pushing myself and keeping myself going.

So my message today is threefold, for those of you that are struggling with depression, motivation or accountability I want to help you. If you are looking for a way to earn a second income I can help you become a coach and last if you are someone that is facing a challenge keep pushing toward your goals and stay positive. Nothing beats the power of positive thinking, I learned this much in the past five months. 

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