Friday, October 25, 2013

Let Go Of “Can’t”

Telling ourselves that we “can’t” accomplish something is 99% of the time a big fat lie.
If you physically cannot do something, that’s fine. Embrace what you can do and work your way up to being able to do what you couldn't today.

Refuse to settle for “Can’t” becoming your automatic response to discomfort. Instead, take on an “I sure can try,” attitude. Here’s what I mean…

·   When starting a new fitness program and you’re sweating and huffing and burning and you have another set, well, unless you’re on the verge of passing out, you can pause regain your composure and push on.
·   Getting tired of salads and oatmeal and it looks like it’s going to be difficult to stick to your new nutrition plan, is it physically impossible for you to stick to it? Nope. Think of what your “Why” is and push on.
·   Think you “can’t” give up that nasty habit that’s keeping you from getting healthy? Think again! You can do this and I am here to help.

When you tell yourself you can’t do something, it bleeds into other areas of your life, permeating your outlook on all things. Start saying “can’t” with your fitness goals, and you’ll start finding excuses for why you can’t achieve a higher position at work, a better relationship with your spouse, and so on.

Your mind spurting out “Can’t”s at you when the going gets tough is a defense mechanism designed to keep you from change. Your body very much enjoys homeostasis and will fight you when you start pushing it to change.

Don’t let your mind tell you that you can’t achieve the healthy body you dream of. Make your mind see things your way by replacing that stubborn “Can’t” response with one that allows for the possibility of growth… or reduction, in this case.

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