Saturday, November 29, 2014

A New Kind of Peace

The last few days my family has been away visiting family for the holiday as I stayed home to meet work obligations. During this time I have realized more than ever what my family means to me.

I was always one that could handle my alone time preferring to live by myself in my 20’s rather than having a roommate. Long bike rides and workouts by myself were the norm and countless hours drawing, painting or driving were a place I found peace and time to reflect.

Because of my chosen profession I work many holidays and my wife will often head off somewhere to have that family time and give our children the memories all children need to have of their grandparents, uncles, aunts and other relatives. 

This week, five days, were the longest five days I have ever experienced. The house was empty, other than my dog Cooper and I and we both missed having the family with us. Cooper went through the usual withdraw that he experiences, not eating for the first day or so and then the sleeping by the door waiting for them to return.

Me, I was just flat out bored, two nights in a row I contemplated going to bed at 8:30 pm. This for me is way out of character, early for me is usually 11:00 and average bed time is midnight. Even my motivation to get up in the morning was lacking and my workouts were uninspired. I push myself to accomplish many of the things I do for them and not having them here with me has stalled that drive.

They will return tomorrow afternoon sometime and the house will once again be loud and full of emotion and laughter and I have grown to enjoy all of it. Something I never thought would happen. I am a long way away from my former search for peace but this is a new kind of peace and I have grown to love it. 

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