Saturday, September 15, 2012

Body Weight and a Dog

This morning I shut the lights off and worked to the light of the television with some the Fountain of Youth Yoga from the Tony Horton One on One series. Call it my moment of Zen if you will. The lights off provide that additional touch of relaxation as I reflect and clear my head while shifting my frame and balancing myself into a sweat. 

To be a big guy and to now be able to flow through the movements of this program feels like such an accomplishment. Supporting my body weight at the start was a challenge even Tony states at the 7 minute mark that it is a workout without weights or resistance bands that will push you. When I started P90X this was the day I dreaded most, even more than Plyometrics! The fact that I now consider it a light day speaks so much to the difference in me both physically and mentally. After almost a year of doing this workout weekly I almost know it by heart and enjoy the progressions as I move with it.

Yesterday I attempted the three workouts I planned to do but life got in the way and I never made it to my run. I will complete Day 3 of my running program tonight. I prefer to run at night because living in Florida and running in the heat of day is not my idea of fun, besides my dog has been known to crap out on me during day runs and what good is it to run by yourself? 

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